Book balloons…

In 2018, my school entered the World Book Day competition called ‘Flying High with Reading’. Inspired by the Bristol Balloon Festival, book balloons seemed the obvious choice and the whole staff set to with great enthusiasm. This year, it was gratifying to see this idea all over Twitter as more teachers were using it in their schools.

Simple to make, these make a colourful and attractive display, which provokes lots of book chatter and excitement. Each of our classes chose their favourite book and worked together to create their balloon. Each had to have a little ‘balloon basket’ on the same theme.

Paper lanterns were used to form the ‘balloon’ as these gave a sound structure to work on, being easy to paint, collage and decorate. The staff were as enthusiastic as the children and a fantastic display resulted, many of which are now hanging in the library.

Fun and easy- have a go!


Top Dog Guided Reading Notes


Dear Ugly Sisters…