The Littlest Yak

This is a delightful book with such a positive message- perfect for starting the new year! Having enjoyed the story, children can create their own yak using salt dough to remind them of Gertie’s story! Salt dough is a very cheap modelling material to make and children love using it. This idea can, of course, be used to teach a number of sculpting techniques, but the best thing about it is that it is very a very relaxing, tactile activity, allowing time for chatting about the story. Once the finished models have hardened (either air dried or baked hard in the oven), they can be painted and given a coat of varnish (watered down PVA glue works well) to make them last longer.

You can follow the instructions for making Gertie on this PowerPoint. Enjoy!


Guided Reading Notes: Nell and the Cave Bear


The World of Words