A prolific author, Isabel Thomas has written over 180 books about science and nature aimed at young people. With her passion for science and her engaging style, her books are always a pleasure to read. Not only appealing to children, her work is also very useful for teachers, supporting and developing understanding. We are delighted that Isabel is joining us for our one-day conference as she is amazing to listen to- bursting with energy and enthusiasm and brimming with scientific knowledge.

‘Moth’ is a real gift to the Y6 teacher when teaching the Science P of S strand : to identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. The story of the moth is told clearly, effortlessly explaining the ‘science bit’ and encouraging the reader to go and look for these wonderful creatures. A message of hope - hope for survival, hope for adaptation and hope for change- is conveyed by their story which is beautifully written and gorgeously illustrated by Daniel Egneus. Another book created by this pairing is ‘Fox’, which tells the ‘circle of life’ in clear, easily understood language, helping young children find answers to the big question, ‘What happens when we die?’.

The conference offers a wonderful opportunity for everyone to meet Isabel and hear from an amazing non-fiction author, who effortlessly explains scientific questions in a way children (and adults) can both understand and enjoy! It’s a not-to-be-missed event- make sure you book your ticket here!


NNFN2023 Ideas: Matchboxes


NNFN2023 Ideas: Postcard Competition