With less than a week to go, everyone is getting ready for activities to share with groups/ classes/ individuals as part of the celebrations! Playing ‘Guess Who?’ with non-fiction book covers is a brilliant way of encouraging children to look closely at a range of information books and to spark their interest in these!

As with the traditional game of ‘Guess Who?’, any question can only be given a yes/no answer, encouraging the questioner (or team) to be precise with what is being asked. Copies of covers can be made or the actual books can be used providing there is enough space to spread these out without the other players being able to see.

Focusing on the covers is sure to pique children’s interest about the books and introduce them to books which they might not otherwise have encountered. Have fun!


NNFN2023 One day Non-Fiction Conference


NNFN2023: Looking forward to Conference